Robin Williams has been dead for 24 hours and people are already talking about how insignificant his death is, how ridiculous it is that people are mourning his death, how stupid people are for focusing on the death of a celebrity rather than the turmoil in the Middle East. I have a few friends who…
The Struggle of Marriage & Putting Your Spouse First
I’ve had to put some of my own dreams aside in order to support my husband’s quest to be successful in his career, and while I sometimes struggle with that decision, I know that it was the best decision for our family, and ultimately it has made my spouse happy. When we first got married,…
The Confident Girl’s Struggle with Confidence
With all this confidence talk, you’d think that I’m confident in myself all the time, right? Well, you’d be wrong. And I’d be a liar if I didn’t talk about my struggles with confidence. One of my philosophies is that the day you stop growing is the day you die. Maybe it’s not the day…
15 Things All Women Absolutely Need to Hear – Regardless of Body Shape or Size – PART 2
10. Exercise is good for you, but what you do is your business. Running might not be your thing. Whatever! That’s cool! You might not like to lift weights. Not flexible and don’t like Pilates? Don’t do it! I can’t advocate the absence of some sort of movement, but don’t judge people for their workout…
15 Things All Women Absolutely Need to Hear – Regardless of Body Shape or Size – PART 3
5. Have sex. It’s awesome. You don’t have to be thin or fit to have sex. You have to have a vagina. That’s it. Stop holding your fat when you’re naked and in the sight of the person you’re being intimate with. Have you ever seen “Shallow Hal”? OK, well the skinny girl version of…
Some Things That All Women Need to Know About Life
So listen, there’s something I need to tell you and it’s that this post is part of a sponsored program with Socialstars and Poise, but y’all; it’s all true nonetheless. #PoisewithSAM Now, the rest of this is just about a few things that y’all need to know. Things that all women should know. Because all…
He Doesn’t Like You Because You’re Fat – 3 Reasons You’re Still Single
Do you honestly think that’s true? Do you really think it’s true that you can’t land a man because you’re overweight? Or maybe because you’ve got a double chin? No, no, no, I’ve got it. It’s because you’ve got a belly pooch. Or better yet, because Sir Mix A Lot wrote a song about your big…
15 Things All Women Absolutely Need to Hear – Regardless of Body Shape or Size – PART 1
HI! I’m Summer. I’m overweight. Some might even call me fat. What you don’t know, and what doesn’t matter, is that I eat a well rounded diet full of vegetables, protein, and fat. I also exercise. A lot. I might even be able to run circles around you. I’m disproportionately curvy. I’m awesome. I’d…
Shards of Heart – A Saturday Stream of Consciousness
I have a past. We all have come from somewhere, experienced things. These experiences have shaped who we are and the way that we trudge forward in our lives. There have been many instances in my life where I have dealt with the situation at hand and come out the other side stronger. Then there…
Naked Love. Learning to Be Vulnerable #NakedMoms
Opening yourself to love and be loved isn’t always easy. Some people give their hearts freely, others guard themselves to a fault and don’t open up at all. Others are superficially open but as soon as you get too close, you encounter a brick wall that is difficult to traverse. I’m one of the latter….